Pie It Forward 2012 is Community Services Top Pie-Selling Team Again

Big Foot Moving & Storage, Inc. helps Team Pie It Forward Raises $32,351 for Community Servings “Pie In The Sky”
Arlington, MA – December 12, 2011 Thanks to the generous support of family, friends, colleagues, and clients, Team Pie It Forward sold 921 pies and raised $32,351 for the “Pie in the Sky” annual bake sale held by Community Servings. Mike Bavuso, President of Big Foot Moving & Storage, Inc., sold 395 pies and raised $10,381.00 alone.
From late October to several days before Thanksgiving, “Pie In The Sky” raised a record-breaking total over $565,000 with 16,000 pies sold by hundreds of volunteers. Proud to be the #1 Pie-Selling Team for 2011 and 2012, Pie It Forward members include: Mike Bavuso, Tamela Roche, Caitlin Healy, Adam Goncalves, Gabriella Innella, Walker Christie, Karen Coleman, Merel Corstius, Juan Murray, Kathy Wentworth, Joseph Aceto, Brian Jurgens, Stella Murray, Patrick Dwyer, Jenette Jurgens, Mary Dean McKee, Rich McKee.
Team Pie It Forward joined hundreds of volunteers to box pies at Pie Central and Big Foot Moving & Storage, Inc. donated two days of moving services to deliver thousands of pies. The Big Foot Moving & Storage, Inc. crew made deliveries to pick-up locations in greater Boston. Some of our pie clients include ARIAD Pharmaceuticals Inc., Davidson Management, Cambridge Offset Printing, Meadhall, Leader Bank, The Appraisers Group, Advance Auto Center, Sirois Electric, Patriot Financial Group, Barkan Management at One First Condominiums, and Porcini’s.
Since 1990, Community Servings is a free, home-delivered meals program for the acutely ill, their families, and their caregivers throughout 200 square miles of Massachusetts battling 35 types of illnesses which include HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Lupus, MS and Diabetes. The founding goals of Community Servings are to help clients maintain health and dignity; to provide nutritionally and culturally appropriate meals; to preserve the integrity of their family… and send the message that someone cares.