Big Foot Moving Assists the Government with transporting excess furniture to federal Job Corps Centers

Big Foot Moving & Storage, Inc. loaded (7) 53’ tractor trailers worth of dorm furniture from the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, RI and delivered it all flawlessly to the Westover Job Corps Center in Chicopee, MA last week. The transfer process, organized by the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO) and the Fleet Logistics Center Norfolk-Newport Detachment, started September 21, 2015 and was complete by October 8, 2015. The “old gym” at Westover Job Corps Center received 74 wood desks with carrel and office chair, 50 rolling chairs, 320 Captain’s beds with under storage drawers, and 150 nightstands, with a combined value of $87,600. Additional Job Corps Centers across New England and the Mid-Atlantic are scheduled to be receiving more excess furniture by Big Foot by years end. The Job Corps program provides career technical training and education programs for young people who are at least age 16 that qualify as low income. Students reside in dormitory facilities.