Big Foot Moves Toys…THOUSANDS of toys with Toys for Joys

Big Foot Moving & Storage, Inc. is excited to continue our support of Toys for Joys, Inc. We are providing collection boxes, transportation, and storage services for the thousands of new toys that will be distributed to children this holiday season. Toys for Joys does an incredible job bringing feelings of family, hope, and love by providing new toys to children who have very little. A toy, a simple gift, can bring a smile to a child and make the holidays enjoyable.
The Toys4Joys Gift Gala will be held at The Revere Hotel’s-Space57 on Friday, December 8, 2017. To find out more about this premier Boston gift drive, visit the Toys for Joys event registration page.
For additional info on Toys for Joys and sponsorship opportunities, please email Dr. James Rifino, Founder & President.